“Massive protests erupted in Badlapur following the alleged sexual abuse of two young girls by a school sweeper. The incident sparked outrage, leading to significant disruptions in train services and the suspension of school staff and police officials. Maharashtra government vows swift justice.”
The disturbing incident of sexual abuse at a renowned co-ed school in Badlapur has sent shockwaves through the community, leading to massive protests. The alleged assault, involving two four-year-old girls by a school sweeper, has ignited widespread anger, with thousands gathering at Badlapur railway station in Maharashtra’s Thane district on Tuesday. The protests severely disrupted local train services and led to the diversion of several long-distance trains, forcing police to intervene with a lathicharge after nine hours.
The 23-year-old accused, Akshay Shinde, was hired on a contractual basis on August 1, 2024. He is accused of assaulting the girls in a toilet that lacked female staff supervision. The case came to light when one of the victims confided in her parents about the inappropriate behavior, prompting another child to reveal her ordeal. A complaint was subsequently filed on August 16, leading to Shinde’s arrest the same night.
As per the FIR, the incident took place between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. on August 13, but the families expressed dissatisfaction with the authorities as the FIR was allegedly delayed by 12 hours. Shinde faces charges under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and various sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, including rape, assault with intent to outrage modesty, and sexual harassment.
Thane District Protest and Government Response
On August 17, protests erupted at Badlapur station, with thousands blocking railway tracks in response to the sexual abuse case. The protests were eventually broken up by police lathicharge, but not before causing significant disruption. Following the incident, the school management suspended the principal, a class teacher, and a female attendant. The state government also took action, suspending three police officials, including a senior inspector, for their alleged failure to properly investigate the case.
Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis announced the formation of a special investigation team, headed by senior IPS officer Arti Singh, to fast-track the case. Meanwhile, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde assured that strict action would be taken against the school and that justice would be swiftly served.
The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has also stepped in, seeking a detailed report on the incident as public outcry continues to grow across Maharashtra.
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